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Dominican Family Asia Pacific Conference on Justice, Peace, and Care for Creation
March 7 – 9 Catholic Center Kenting, Kaohsiungwith keynote Speaker Fr. Aneidi Okure, OPGeneral Promoter and Permanent Delegate of Dominican Family to the United Nations

Dear Parents and Guardians, DISK is happily announcing our DISK OVAL SPORTS HUB update and greeting our supporters and stakeholders for this great success. Thank

Online Math Challenge Competition 2023 Awards for DISK
The students of Dominican International Kaohsiung on February 6th, 2023 received their certificates for participating in the recently concluded Online International Math Challenge. DISK was
Field Trip 2023 -MS/HS
The Middle School/High School Department last Friday 10th February 2023 visited Anping in Tainan. Anping historical and ecological site is one of the top 10
DISK CARE -Community Service 2023
DISKs are responsible individuals. As part of our Community Service this SY. 2022-23, the lower and upper Elementary Dominicans went to Cijin Island last Friday
Dear Parents, Time again to flex our muscles and get ready for a fun-filled day with DISK “FAMILYMPICS 2023”. Enjoy this day with your kids