St. Thomas Aquinas Library

The St. Thomas Aquinas Library’s collection aims to support and enrich the school curriculum, promote reading amongst our student population and provide resources for the professional development of the Dominican International School Kaohsiung faculty and staff.


  • Library hours are from 8:00 to 4:30, Monday through Friday during the regular school year. Students may visit the library during breaks.

  • Students MUST have a PASS from their teacher if they wish to use the library during class hours and in addition to their library class time.

  • The library is not open during scheduled classes. The space needs to be used for the scheduled class.


  • Kindergarten to Grade 3:

    2 books/magazines

  • Grades 4 to 9:

    3 books/magazines

Books, magazines and students’ work may be borrowed for one week.

Students may take reference books (except encyclopedias) to their classrooms until the end of the day.


Materials may not be checked out for others. A borrower is financially responsible for all material checked out using his/her card. Therefore, theft or loss of their ID card must be reported immediately to the Prefect of Discipline.

Library patrons are responsible to pay for any damaged or lost books. If a lost book is recovered and returned, fines will be reimbursed to the patron to the full amount.


  • A photocopier is available for students to use for a limited number of copies. Please ask the library staff for assistance.

  • Parents can also apply for a library card to borrow books.



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