Dear Parents / Guardians,

Parenting is never easy, especially in the time when we are facing lots of information, changes, challenges, and choices. As teachers and as parents, we all feel the need to learn more about the generation of our students and children, in order to give the best education and accompaniment for them. With the eagerness to learn and grow together and to foster the home-school-collaboration, your school would like to invite all the parents to attend the following workshops.

如何與3C共存? 談現代父母3C育兒的挑戰 (中文工作坊)
講者: 洪逸婷 (心和心理諮商所所長)
時間: 10月23日 星期一 (2:00 – 4:00 PM)
地點: 3F AVR
How to raise a digital child? (English workshop)
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 24th (2:00 – 4:00 PM)
Speaker: Mr. Francis Subong (School counselor)
Location: 3F AVR

Let’s keep growing together with your child and all the faculty and staff in DISK community.

Registration will be open until October 23rd morning.

“https://forms.gle/mAAU4BX2DcSxdmQSA”👏🌐 Register here
