Rapid Test Required for After New Years.

Dear Parents,

To keep everyone up-to-date with the current COVID-19 requirements.  
After our Chinese New Year, we will continue to have dismissal at 3:25 pm. Therefore, NO  After-School- Activities-Programs until the government has lifted the restrictions. 

We will require all parents to email back the form attached with the COVID RAPID TEST RESULT submitted via Google form (Link attached) on Sunday, February 6, 2022, (by noon) before students are allowed to return to school.
We regret that your child/ren will be restricted to attend school unless a negative covid test result is forwarded to the Administration.

The test results should have the student’s name, date, and time tested. Without a negative COVID-19 test result, students will not be allowed to attend school for 2 weeks and must have a clearance from their doctor. 
Home rapid COVID-19 tests are available at pharmacies and convenience stores. 

DISK will initiate additional in-school restrictions that will be followed on the first two days (February 7 & 8). The purpose is to avoid unnecessary contact with others by moving between locations. In addition, students will have their specialty subjects presented in their homeroom during these two days.

Lunch (lunchbox) will be delivered to the classrooms. Dismissal of students will occur one grade at a time (approximately 3-5 minutes apart)  to maintain social distancing and restrict contact in the corridors. Our weekly assembly will be on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, to explain the current situation and make plans for the upcoming WASC visit. 

A Digital Form has been emailed to all the parents. Please fill it out and attach a picture of the completed test.

– Our prayers and hope that we can all stay safe and healthy over the coming break.