WASC Committee Visit at DISK

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are pleasing to inform you that the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) committee arrived at our school on March 30th and 31st for a scheduled visit. This committee is responsible for evaluating and accrediting schools in the western region of the United States.

During their visit, the WASC committee members observed classrooms, interviewed teachers, administrators, and students, and reviewed our school’s programs and policies. They also evaluated our school’s compliance with WASC’s standards and criteria for accreditation.

We are pleased to report that the visit went well, and the committee was impressed with our school’s educational programs, dedicated staff, and engaged student body. We will receive the official report from the WASC committee in the coming weeks, which will provide us with feedback and recommendations for improvement.

We are grateful to all the parents, students, and staff members who contributed to the success of this visit. Your support and involvement in our school community are critical to our ongoing accreditation process.

Thank you for your continued support of our school, and we will keep you informed of any updates on the WASC accreditation process.

Thanks be to our lord Jesus Christ
